Dr. Doshi on Critical Matters Podcast: High Velocity Nasal Insufflation as an Alternative Noninvasive Ventilation Strategy in the Emergency Department

The podcast, Critical Matters, which specializes in trending clinical topics, recently aired an episode titled “Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV) and High-Flow Oxygen Nasal Cannula.” Dr. Sergio Zanotti interviewed Dr. Pratik Doshi on a range of topics, including the distinction between generic High Flow Nasal Cannula and High Velocity Nasal Insufflation and how High Velocity Nasal Insufflation is an alternative noninvasive ventilation strategy in the emergency department.

Critical Matters Podcast.

Vapotherm’s Hi-VNI® Technology is a tool for treating respiratory distress in hospital settings. The views and ideas presented in this podcast are solely those of the speaker, and the content is not intended to serve as medical advice. Vapotherm does not practice medicine or provide medical services. Practitioners should refer to the full indications for use and operating instructions of any products referenced herein before prescribing them.

Dr. Pratik Doshi is a paid consultant of Vapotherm, though this podcast was produced without Vapotherm’s involvement.