Case Studies


Norman Regional Health System streamlines clinician workflow with Vapotherm® Units

Putnam County Hospital saves money and improves patient experience with Vapotherm

Florida Hospital at Connerton provides greater opportunities for patients and fewer invasive procedures with Vapotherm

Gaylord Hospital returns patients to the highest level of function with early mobilization using Vapotherm

A community hospital level II nursery reduces transports by over 80%

Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals improve patient outcomes with Vapotherm


Use of High Velocity Therapy for Reversing Pneumothorax

By Marcos Cesar Ramos Mello, Hospital BP – A Beneficência Portuguesa de SP, Luciana Dalla Torres, Hospital BP – A Beneficência Portuguesa de SP, Alessandra Cristina Marques dos Santos, Hospital BP – A Beneficência Portuguesa de SP, Heloisa Maria Khader, Hospital BP – A Beneficência Portuguesa de SP, Juliana Pacheco, Hospital BP – A Beneficência

Helping Avoid Intubation in Complex COVID-19

apotherm’s high velocity therapy is a tool for treating respiratory distress.

COPD Exacerbation

Vapotherm resulted in rapid improvement that is believed to have averted the use of mechanical ventilation and ICU admission.

COPD Exacerbation (CAH)

Hi-VNI Technology helped provide adequate ventilatory support for an AECOPD patient.

CHF Crisis

Vapotherm provided a decrease in work of breathing over conventional oxygen therapy.

NiPPV Intolerance

A patient who demonstrated increased anxiety with NIPPV finds success with Vapotherm.

Rescue from NiPPV & HFNC Failure

HVNI rescued a patient in acute respiratory failure receiving HFNO therapy post-extubation.

Severe Bronchiolitis

HVNI used effectively in the management of severe bronchiolitis in a small child.