
User-Friendly Transfer To Trach Trials

When your patients are ready to start trach mask trials, Vapotherm is there. The Precision Flow® system is ready to go in under 5 minutes, and the 22mm adapter fits most trach masks and T-pieces. The T-piece capability is a great solution for clinicians that use in-line suction catheters. *Vapotherm Trach Adapter is designed to be used only with an open system.


Stop Managing Rain-Out

Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, one of Vapotherm’s Centers of Excellence, reports that with Vapotherm’s humidification they do not have all of the rainout to manage and their patients are more comfortable.

*Although individual results may vary, Vapotherm believes Madonna’s story represents a powerful example of the impact Vapotherm’s humidification can have in an LTACH setting.

Interested in learning more about the Trach Adapter?